Miyagi had a number of talented, dedicated students such as Seiko Higa, Seikichi Toguchi, and Meitoku Yagi, who have all developed esteemed reputations in their own right. In the years before Miyagi’s death, Toguchi remained with his instructor and other senior students and was given further insight into Miyagi’s principles and theories.
Shortly after Miyagi’s death in 1953, Toguchi decided to carry on the principles of his teacher and formed the Shorei‐Kan (school to respect courtesy and manners) OkinawanGoju‐Ryu Karate‐Do. He opened the first Shorei‐Kan dojo (school) in Naha city in 1955, and since it was very close to a U.S. Army base, many American GIs came to studytheor. Because of the introduction of Westerners into the Okinawan dojo, Toguchi realized the need for more development of the existing system. The forms of Gekiha, Kakuha and, bunkai were thus created.
Toguchi further developed Goju‐Ryu by creating a number of advanced supplementary training methods. A typical Toguchi class in the late 50s (and still today) consisted of the following:
1. Preparatory exercises to warm up the body for karate movements.
2. Supplementary exercises to practice the basic techniques in kata.
3. Kata, bunkai, and Kiso kumite practice.
4. Application of kata techniques.
Toguchi also created Hakutsuru no mai, a kata adapted from the original Chinese white crane form which is performed to music. The kata and subsequent bunkai tell the story of a white crane fighting a snake. This beautiful form is rarely seen in the United States and is known only to a small number of Goju‐Ryu practitioners.
Source: Imtiaz Abdulla Sensei (South Africa)