Seminar with Sensei László Harsányi from Europa and Sensei Manjula Vitharana from Sri-Lanka
On the invitation of Aspire Sport Karate Academy, Sensei László Harsányi held a successful Goju-Ryu seminar form the 3rd to the 5th of January. The Academy’s president Sensei Sharanu Bammigatti and his instructors also invited Sensei Manjula Vitharana the head instructor of Sri – Lanka Sakura-kai. 400 karateka took part in the seminar. Sensei Manjula Vitharana taught one group while Sensei László Harsányi taught the senior students and the instructors. The seminar was characterized by a high degree of discipline and willingness to learn. I would like to thank for the Aspire Sport Karate Academy’s leader for the hospitality and for the organization of the seminar.
The Aspire Sport Karate Academy was admitted to the International Goju-Ryu Karte – Do Sakura-kai organization.
László Harsányi